Stretch & Mobility
Dynamic Warm Up
noun: chaos; plural noun: chaoses
complete disorder and confusion.“snow caused chaos in the region”Similar:disorderdisarraydisorganizationconfusionmayhembedlampandemoniummadnesshavocturmoiltumultcommotiondisruptionupheavalfurorefrenzyuproarhue and crybabelhurly-burlya maelstroma muddlea messa shamblesa mare’s nestanarchyentropylawlessnessbangaranghullabalooall hell broken loosea madhousean omnishamblesa car crasha three-ring circusOpposite:orderorderliness
PHYSICSthe property of a complex system whose behaviour is so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.
the formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe.
GREEK MYTHOLOGYthe first created being, from which came the primeval deities Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, and Nyx.noun: Chaos

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