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Training Week Program 16-22nd September 2024

By 14 September 2024September 18th, 2024No Comments

Monday 16.09.2024

Stretch & Mobility

[ Functional Bodybuilding ]

4 Supper Sets

10 DB Reverse Fly

10 DB Single Arm DB Row

10 DB Seated Shoulder Press

Max Push Ups

WOD ( Sprints )

7 Rounds [1:30 P/R]

50 Double Unders

Max Cal Ski Cal Ski

1:00 Rest


Tuesday 17.09.2024

Deadlift Warm Up :

inch Worms ,Good Mornings ,Monster Walks ,

Strength Deadlift [ 3-2-1-2-3 ]



200m Run – 10 T2B

200m Run – 10 Deadlift 100/75


Wednesday 18.09.2024

Warm Up :

45 Wall Balls

45 Cal Row

WOD [ Team 3 ]

3 Rounds 3:00 p/r

0:00-3:00 Max DB  Thrusters (2×22/2x15kg)

3:00-6:00 Max Cal Row

6:00-9:00 Max Distance DB Waiters Walk

Rest 3:00

*One person working at the time


Barbell Club

Clean & Jerk Warm Up :

AMRAP 5 ( 5 Deadlift , Hang Muscle Clean, Front Squat  , Jerk )

Main Set

Split Jerk

5@65% 4@70% 3@75%

Squat Clean

3×3@60% 3×2@70%  3×2@75%

Clean Deadlift



Thursday 19.09.2024

Running Dynamic Warm Up

Main Set

5 Sets

800m Run ( Average 1000m Pace)

Rest :1:00

400m Run ( Fast 1000m Pace )

Rest 1:30


Friday 20.09.2024

[ Functional Bodybuilding ]

*add another 5kg from last week

Front Squat (3×6)

Barbel Pendlay Row (3×6)

Incline Bench Press  (3×6)


“ DT Build Up “

Every 1:00 for 8 sets

6 Deadlift

4 Hang Power Clean

2 Jerk

RX 70/50kg



Week 3

Hand Stand Hold , Walk , HS Push Ups


Saturday 21.09.2024

Hero Saturday

“Gale Force “

AMRAP in 30 minutes of:

20 Box Step-Ups with a weighted backpack (24/20” , 22/15kg Back Pack )

23 Burpees-Over-Backpack

19 Air Squats


Background: “Gale Force” is one of the six Hero WODs introduced by CrossFit @crossfit in 2024, commemorating Devyn Gale, a 19-year-old member of the British Columbia Wildfire Service. Gale tragically lost her life on July 13, 2023, while bravely fighting a wildfire near Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. A falling tree struck her during efforts to contain the fire.

While dedicated to her role as a wildfire fighter, Gale was also pursuing a nursing degree, often integrating her studies into her physical training by hiking with a backpack filled with textbooks. An active member of Mountain Made CrossFit, her fitness regime was as intense as her dedication to service.

Devyn is mourned by her parents, Graham and Philomena; brother, Nolan; and sister, Kayln. This workout honors her courageous spirit and commitment to helping others, both in her community and through her aspirations in healthcare.


Barbell Club

Snatch Warm Up :

AMRAP 5 ( 5 Snatch Deadlift , Hang Muscle Snatch , Snatch Balance , OHS

Main Set

Snatch Balance

5@65% 4@70% 3@75%

Squat Snatch

3×3@60% 3×2@70%  3×2@75%

Snatch Deadlift



Sunday 22.09.2024

Dynamic Warm Up


( Max Effort )

7min Bike

7min Ski

7min Row

7min Run



Week 3

Hand Stand Hold , Walk , HS Push Ups

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