Warm Up
Run 400 Run Backwards 400
Follow by : 2 Sets
10 Scapular PullUps / Push Ups / Lunges
Murph Prep
WOD [ Increasing Ladder ]
AMRAP 27min
- Set 1: Pull-up 1, push-ups 2, squats 3, run 300 meters
- Set 2: Pull-ups 2, push-ups 4, squats 6, run 300 meters
- Set 3: Pull-ups 3, push-ups 6, squats 9, run 300 meters.
- Set 4: Pull-ups 4, push-ups 8, squats 12,run 300meters
- Set 5: Pull-ups 5, push-ups 10, squats 15, run 300 meters
- Set 6: Pull-ups 6, push-ups 12, squats 18, run 300 meters.
- …. Keep going up the pyramid until you fail.
- RX with weighted vest or backpack 10/6kg